855-411-7774 ext 5003
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Tonja Brandt is a 1987 graduate of Manzano High School and graduated from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree in 2012.
As a mother of three adult children, she recognizes the importance of the economic policies and tax structure of New Mexico in keeping young adults in our state. Tonja is a music educator, so she understands the value of a good education. Sound educational policies without the unnecessary and burdensome requirements on teachers is what will help students learn and thrive in our schools. When we can give our children a top-notch education coupled with a fair tax structure New Mexico can become a thriving and desirable place to live and do business in.
Tonja has been a small business owner, a homeschooling mom and a public-school teacher. All these experiences give insight and knowledge into the different and wide-ranging challenges faced by individuals in all walks of life. She is married to New Mexico Senator Craig Brandt.