
Introducing “Off the Record”

“Off the Record” is a new regular event by the Southwest Public Policy Institute.

We’re excited to introduce a brand new event that is set to revolutionize the way policy enthusiasts connect, engage, and unwind. Welcome to “Off the Record,” a monthly gathering hosted by the Southwest Public Policy Institute. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey through the essence of “Off the Record” and share why this event is a must-attend for anyone interested in public affairs, camaraderie, and stimulating conversations.

Unwind and Connect

“Off the Record” is not your average networking event. It’s a refreshing opportunity to step away from formal policy debates and connect with like-minded individuals in a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere. At “Off the Record,” you can leave your titles and professional personas at the door, creating an environment that encourages authenticity, genuine conversations, and a sense of community. It’s a space where thinkers from diverse backgrounds can engage in lively discussions, share insights, and forge meaningful connections beyond the confines of traditional policy settings.

A Unique Experience

Each month, “Off the Record” takes you on an adventure, exploring different locations and handpicking venues that offer the perfect ambiance for our gatherings. From trendy cocktail lounges to cozy neighborhood bars, every event promises a unique experience, setting the stage for a memorable evening filled with libations, laughter, and intellectual exchange. We believe that the environment plays a crucial role in fostering connections, and that’s why we meticulously select venues that complement the spirit of “Off the Record” and create the perfect backdrop for authentic conversations.

Who’s Invited?

“Off the Record” welcomes everyone with a passion for public policy, regardless of their level of expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned policy expert, a budding analyst, or simply someone curious about public affairs, this event is designed for you. We believe that diversity of thought sparks innovation, and by bringing together individuals from various backgrounds, we create a rich tapestry of ideas, perspectives, and experiences.

Save the Date

Keep your eyes peeled for the next event and the next location every month, as “Off the Record” becomes your go-to event for intellectual rejuvenation and social connection. Join us as we embark on a bar-crawling adventure, exploring new venues, sampling delightful libations, and indulging in unforgettable conversations. Let’s toast to knowledge, friendship, and a shared passion for public policy!

It’s off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush

“Off the Record” is where libations, camaraderie, and stimulating conversations converge. It’s an opportunity to break free from the constraints of formal policy debates and embrace a more relaxed setting where connections are forged and ideas thrive. Make sure to follow us on social media and visit our website for updates on our next location. We can’t wait to see you at “Off the Record” and witness the transformative power of off-the-record conversations.

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