Phoenix, AZ (April 14, 2023) — The Southwest Public Policy Institute (SPPI) is delighted to welcome Dr. Vicki E. Alger, Ph.D. to its Board of Directors. Alger brings more than two decades of experience in public policy, particularly in education reform, to the organization.
Alger is the President and CEO of Vicki Murray & Associates LLC, based in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is also a research fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California and the author of the book, “Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children.” Throughout her career, Alger has worked as an education policy director, senior fellow, and advisor at the Independent Women’s Forum, the Heartland Institute, and the Goldwater Institute, among other organizations.
“I am pleased to be joining the Southwest Public Policy Institute in advancing strong policy solutions for Arizona and our region.”
Dr. Vicki E. Alger, Ph.D.
Alger has advised the US Department of Education, members of Congress, and state lawmakers in over 40 states on educational choice programs and higher education reform. Her research has advanced record-breaking numbers of educational choice legislation in Arizona and California, and her work has been used in several legal defenses of choice programs, including the Institute for Justice’s successful defense of Arizona’s tax-credit scholarship program in the US Supreme Court.
Alger has authored more than 70 policy studies and book chapters, which have been widely published in leading public-policy outlets such as Harvard University’s Program on Education Policy and Governance, Education Week, and the Chronicle of Higher Education, among others.
“We are thrilled to have Dr. Vicki Alger join our Board of Directors,” said Patrick Brenner, President of SPPI. “Her extensive experience in education policy and reform will be invaluable as we continue to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in the American Southwest.”
Alger, who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and works nationally, expressed her excitement at joining the Board of Directors. “I am pleased to be joining the Southwest Public Policy Institute in advancing strong policy solutions for Arizona and our region,” Alger said.
With Alger joining the Board of Directors, Southwest Public Policy Institute is well-positioned to continue its work as a leading public policy think tank dedicated to promoting and defending liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in the American Southwest.