SPPI-TV Top Issues

SPPI-TV Ep. 14: Indian Country

Join us on the next episode of SPPI-TV as we dive into the latest Native American current events with our special guest, Dr. Katherine Spilde. In this episode, we'll explore two significant developments: the Chaco Canyon buffer zone update and the groundbreaking Haaland v. Brackeen Supreme Court decision.

First, we'll discuss the controversial 10-mile barrier implemented by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland around Chaco Canyon Monument. Despite opposition from the Navajo Nation, Haaland's decision is expected to have far-reaching consequences, impacting tribal members' property rights and costing millions over the next two decades. We'll examine the implications of this action and the support it receives from New Mexico's Congressional delegation.

Next, we'll delve into the landmark Haaland v. Brackeen Supreme Court case, which upholds the importance of tribal sovereignty and protects the cultural identity of Native American children. We'll explore the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), its historical context, and its role in ensuring the welfare and preservation of Native American families. We'll also discuss the case's background, its journey through the courts, and the significant implications of the Supreme Court's decision.

Don't miss this insightful episode as we gain expert insights from Dr. Katherine Spilde and explore the latest developments impacting Native Americans. Tune in to SPPI-TV for a thought-provoking discussion on the Chaco Canyon buffer zone update and the Haaland v. Brackeen Supreme Court decision, highlighting the importance of tribal sovereignty and the preservation of Native American heritage.

By Southwest Public Policy Institute

The Southwest Public Policy Institute is a think tank dedicated to improving the quality of life in the American Southwest by formulating, promoting, and defending sound public policy solutions. Our mission is simple: to deliver better living through better policy.

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