Arizona Conservatism Domestic Policy Education Government Spending Legal and Judicial New Mexico Political Thought Poverty and Inequality Progressivism Public Opinion Top Issues

The State Of Education In New Mexico: NOT On A Good Path

Contrary to New Mexico Public Education Department Secretary Dr. Kurt Steinhaus, education is not in “a good place”.

Arizona Budget and Spending California Colorado Conservatism Courts Domestic Policy Education Government Spending Legal and Judicial Nevada New Mexico Oklahoma Political Thought Poverty and Inequality Progressivism Public Opinion Texas The Constitution Top Issues Utah

Now Is The Time For Universal School Choice

In March 2020, schools nationwide started closing their doors. Government bureaucrats fought to keep schools closed for over a year while parents struggled desperately to cope with mandatory remote learning. Reading and math proficiency scores declined in school districts across the country, creating the greatest educational inequity in our lifetimes. But there’s a silver lining… […]

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