New data released Tuesday from the Southwest Public Policy Institute survey shows that over 3 of 4 Albuquerque Public Schools families would prefer to enroll their children in a charter school if given the opportunity. There were over 600 respondents when the survey concluded in August.
Additionally, over half of parents who responded disagree that their children received adequate education in the past two years.
“I think the most important implication from this survey is that parents are questioning the validity of the education provided to their children by Albuquerque Public Schools,” said Patrick Brenner, president of the Southwest Public Policy Institute. “After over a year of forcing students to ‘learn’ remotely, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has unveiled the true levels of dissatisfaction shared by a growing majority of parents.”
This survey was conducted and completed before the New Mexico Public Education Department released the 2022 standardized testing results, which highlighted that over 65% of students are not reading proficiently.
Learning losses suffered by students as a result of gross mismanagement of the pandemic are being felt directly by parents.
Parents are also realizing that school funding is not being used effectively. Over half of parents disagree that school funding is used properly. With neighboring states like Arizona adopting comprehensive school choice programs, continuing to fund failing public schools at unprecedented levels will face increased scrutiny by parents.
Satisfaction with school board policies scored low, with less than 25% of parents agreeing that school board policies reflect the needs of parents and children. Similarly, the administration’s role is unclear to most parents, with less than 25% of parents acknowledging the clarity of the administration.
Many parents agreed that Albuquerque Public Schools were safe, with over 35% reporting that they agree with the safety of schools. But over half of parents say that the administration does not run schools efficiently.
With Albuquerque Public Schools now spending over $27,000 per student per year, the annual expenditure now accounts for over 50% of Albuquerque’s median household income of $57,936. And parents know that this funding is not being used correctly.
When asked to agree or disagree that schools are adequately funded, over 50% of parents reported that they disagreed. But with Albuquerque Public Schools superintendent Scott Elder raking in over $240,000 per year, is enough public education funding making it to the classroom? Based on this survey, parents say “no”.
Analyzing the survey data, Brenner said, “I believe New Mexicans are coming to the realization that Albuquerque Public Schools is not delivering adequate education.”
“On that subject, we’re thrilled to be working with Senator Craig Brandt as he introduces a comprehensive school choice bill in the upcoming session,” Brenner continued. “Parents deserve the freedom to decide where to send their children to school, and it is clear that many parents are overwhelmingly frustrated with the current state of education.”
The survey results can be accessed here. All of the anonymous individual survey responses are available for inspection here.
Some additional commentary from the open feedback field:
We need a voucher for every child in school. Let the parents take that voucher to any public or private school so that their child can attend that school.
Public education in NM is appalling. My children and I received little to no support when it came to online learning due to the pandemic. Spending of the funds is used inappropriately, and I’m deeply saddened at the state of our educational system.
APS is a top heavy bureaucratic mess that needs to be broken up into many individual school districts.
Albuquerque public schools have become a joke. The children are not getting what they need or deserve. The administrators are over paid and they under deliver. It is time to clear out all of administration and get back to the schools it is too top-heavy overall and poorly run.
I pulled my kids out of school twice to homeschool because of issues within the ABQ school system.
The administration is far too interested in their image instead of working to better the schools. The students suffer.
APS is too big.
Public schools are a indoctrination and this have to stop.
APS is horrible and our kids are now in private school.
I am scared for my child’s safety mostly, but also he fell very far behind during distance learning. Idk where to start getting him caught up. He may have to go to a charter school or take courses for GED.
I really don’t like how hard it is reach administration at either of my kids schools or the level of communication. Everything seems to run a lot slower than I would prefer. I still don’t know who my children’s teacher will be next year.
The lackluster performance of APS is a reflection of the administration and this poor performance necessitates an overhaul.
I felt very discouraged of how the school was handling everything with my child towards the end of the year. I truly felt they had given up on my son and did not care or really think he needed help and things were going on.
Not sure is this is already available, but it would be nice to see a transparency of all APS’s financials in an easy to read document for us taxpayers, to see where all of the money is going.
APS is so far behind and is not willing to do anything for students. I have had to beg to get my son help and most of it falls on deaf ears. I was told to move schools for help.
APS is 50th in nation. That should answer your question.
I am also a teacher, originally from Colorado. I have observed many inadequacies in the past three years living in NM relating to the education system, as both a parent and a teacher at a regular public school and now at an APS charter school.
Our grandson was failing and even with repeated requests from the school we got no help.
There is very little cohesion across the district, which is most likely due to size. Each school seems to be run differently, depending on principle. Our family is trying out a charter school for 2022-23.
I enrolled my child in a private school because of the curriculum that is being taught. The schools and teachers are very sneaky about what they teach my child. I also refuse to have my child taught Critical Race Theory. It is very sad what the public school education has come to. I removed my child from public school along with my brother and sister also removing their children as well. I hope Albuquerque Public Schools wake up. You are damaging our children!
Classroom time is often wasted on non-essentials and odd items have been introduced into the curriculum that seem to be political.
When we moved to Albq 6 years ago our biggest mistake was not budgeting to put our kids in private schools.
APS leaders who followed the Governor in shutting down schools should be let go. Power games have no place in the lives of our children. or shouldn’t.
Need to respect families beliefs and values and not introduce or have an environment that is safe and respects different beliefs.
3 replies on “Poll: 3 of 4 Parents Want to Enroll Their Children in a Charter School”
[…] 2022 and 2023, the Southwest Public Policy Institute (SPPI) conducted surveys of more than 600 parents of students who attended Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) within the last five years and of more than 300 parents of students who attended Las Cruces Public […]
[…] 2022 Southwest Public Policy Institute survey revealed significant dissatisfaction among Albuquerque Publ…, with over 75% expressing a preference for enrolling their children in charter schools if given the […]
[…] parents are fed up with the lack of quality educational options and are demanding change. Over 75% of parents in Albuquerque expressed a desire to enroll their children in charter schools if given the opportunity, and many […]