The Southwest Public Policy Institute (SPPI), a non-profit organization dedicated to better living through better policy, has initiated a crucial lawsuit against the New Mexico Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse Oliver. This legal action, centered on a failure to promptly respond to a public records request, underscores SPPI’s dedication to government transparency and accountability.
Tag: Open Government
In the realm of governance, transparency and openness are not mere buzzwords but foundational pillars that uphold the edifice of democracy. In their compelling discourse, Greg Brooks and Patrick Tuohey from Better Cities Project argue that open government is inherently a cultural phenomenon rather than a transactional obligation. This perspective resonates deeply with the ethos […]
Why and How to Stop Taxpayer-Funded Advocacy
The Southwest Public Policy Institute has filed a lawsuit against Mesa Public Schools in Arizona to compel the release of public records in compliance with Arizona Public Records Law.
An improper response to the public records request was followed by an improper response to the lawsuit.
The court’s decision to deny the motion to dismiss is a significant development that means the lawsuit will proceed.
Sunshine is a natural disinfectant: let it shine on every facet of government.
The Southwest Public Policy Institute sues New Mexico Department of Health for violating the Inspection of Public Records Act in connection with the Vax 2 the Max Sweepstakes.
“How many other fake records are they creating?”
“Invoking this argument is a dangerous threat to transparency and our very democracy.”