We are excited to announce that Patrick M. Brenner, President of the Southwest Public Policy Institute (SPPI), will be attending this year’s Lend360 conference in Nashville! As one of the leading voices in financial services policy, Patrick will be on-site to discuss SPPI’s latest groundbreaking research advocating for the online lending industry.

At SPPI, we are committed to advancing sound public policy solutions that promote access to credit and empower consumers. Our research has been at the forefront of addressing the challenges and opportunities within the online lending sector. Two of our key publications, No Loan For You! and No Loan For You, Too!, have already made waves in the policy world, shedding light on regulatory barriers that limit access to financial services and proposing practical reforms to foster a more inclusive financial landscape.

We are also thrilled to announce the debut of our newest report, Swipe Right, at Lend360. This report delves into the critical role of lead generators and comparison shopping tools in the financial services ecosystem. As policymakers and regulators increasingly scrutinize this space, “Swipe Right” provides a fresh perspective on why these tools are essential for fostering competition and empowering consumers with better choices.

Patrick will be presenting our findings and engaging with industry leaders, policymakers, and innovators on how we can continue to advocate for a vibrant, fair, and transparent online lending marketplace.

Why Lend360?

Lend360 is one of the premier events for professionals in the online lending and fintech industries. It brings together thought leaders, innovators, and decision-makers to explore the latest trends, technologies, and policies shaping the future of financial services. This conference provides a unique platform for SPPI to share our research and collaborate with others who are passionate about creating a more dynamic and accessible financial system.

Join Us!

If you’re attending Lend360, make sure to connect with Patrick and learn more about SPPI’s work and our vision for the future of online lending. Stay tuned for updates, insights, and more exciting announcements as we head to this influential conference.

Together, let’s continue to champion policies that drive innovation, enhance consumer choice, and build a stronger, more inclusive financial ecosystem.

We look forward to seeing you at Lend360!

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