Increasing domestic manufacturing capabilities through licensing freedom and red tape reduction can be an investment in future economic security.

country primarily located in North America
Increasing domestic manufacturing capabilities through licensing freedom and red tape reduction can be an investment in future economic security.
American rail carriers are the latest to fall into the crosshairs of the White House.
Erin Norman, senior messaging strategist at State Policy Network, recently published critical commentary of President Joe Biden’s inflation-fighting plan. Introduced last week, Biden highlights his plan in the Wall Street Journal. Composed of over 1,100 words, he spent one third of the article telling Americans how good things are right now. But the public begs […]
Albuquerque (June 1, 2022) — The Southwest Public Policy Institute is pleased to announce today that Brett Kokinadis has joined the organization’s board of directors. Brett is a former candidate for the US House of Representatives, served as First Vice-Chair of the Republican Party of Santa Fe County, and as director of several political action […]
New Mexico suffered from some of the most draconian pandemic-related school closures in the country: how did this impact educational outcomes? On Tuesday, Esteban Candelaria, a staff writer with the Albuquerque Journal, reported on delays in academic assessment reporting from the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED). While data from SAT testing will be made […]
The Southwest Public Policy Institute is the latest addition to the Free Speech Alliance, joining over 90 organizations and individuals who oppose the silencing of conservative voices on social media. You can find out more about the Free Speech Alliance at Here’s the Problem. Conservatives are under attack. Conservatives face an existential crisis as social […]
The nation mourns the loss of so many innocent lives. How do we prevent future tragedy? The answer is school choice. In New Mexico, Senator Martin Heinrich is capitalizing on the Uvalde school shooting to demand changes in gun laws. Elsewhere, former President Barack Obama is using the crisis to stoke racial tension. They are […]
Regulators blame the utility, and the utility blames the supply chain. Is anyone blaming the legislation?