New Mexico Foundation for Open Government Continuing Legal Education Seminar: “Transparency in Practice” to be held June 8 in Albuquerque. The New Mexico Foundation for Open Government (FOG) will host “Transparency in Practice,” a continuing legal education training seminar on Wednesday, June 8 at the Albuquerque Journal auditorium. The FOG continuing legal education course has […]
Category: Government Regulation
The Energy Transition Act is shaping up to create the worst energy crisis the southwest has ever seen. On May 17, the Southwest Public Policy Institute (SPPI) released data on a comprehensive energy survey. With over 3,000 respondents, New Mexicans clearly prioritized affordable and reliable energy with 7 out of 10 preferring either affordability or […]
Regulators blame the utility, and the utility blames the supply chain. Is anyone blaming the legislation?
Only 3 in 10 consider green energy a priority.
Save for the rare instances where high start-up costs or other extreme barriers to entry are present or the potential customer base is extremely limited, most economists agree: Monopolies are bad for consumers. This thinking, now more than a century old, gave rise to the adoption of increasingly more comprehensive laws giving the federal government […]
Earlier this week, more than ten school districts around New Mexico, including Santa Fe Public Schools, have returned to remote learning. These closures follow trends in blue-state urban centers like Chicago where the Chicago Teachers Union announced a remote work action following winter break. While the union’s actions amounted to a legally questionable strike, 63% […]
Why are New Mexico’s politicians lining the pockets of these already wealthy and successful entrepreneurs through taxpayer-funded, industry-specific subsidies?
As the far-left solidifies its stranglehold on all branches of New Mexico’s state government, more than ever we need an aggressive media and informed constituency to demand accountability in a system proven to produce abuses without. These abuses have never been more readily apparent than in the aftermath of a recent Searchlight New Mexico investigation . In […]