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Newsmax: SCOTUS Decision Offers Americans Unrealized Gains

Originally published at on November 4, 2024. The U.S. Senate investigation into Boeing’s safety practices and the FAA’s ineffective oversight revealed that Boeing, under pressure to prioritize production speed over safety, suffered quality control issues that endangered consumers. Despite these risks, the FAA’s overreliance on industry insiders failed to address Boeing’s deficiencies. The problem is not regulation; the […]

Conservatism Courts Crime and Justice Culture Domestic Policy Economic Opportunity Economy Government Regulation Legal and Judicial Life Markets and Finance Political Thought Progressivism Public Opinion The Constitution Top Issues Updates

Newsmax: De-Banking of Trump Lawyer a Sign of Control to Come

John Eastman’s plight highlights a concerning trend towards using economic leverage for political and social control, resembling aspects of China’s Social Credit System.

Domestic Policy Economy Government Regulation Markets and Finance Top Issues

Newsmax: Antitrust Watchdogs Should Focus on Substance, Not Size

Save for the rare instances where high start-up costs or other extreme barriers to entry are present or the potential customer base is extremely limited, most economists agree: Monopolies are bad for consumers. This thinking, now more than a century old, gave rise to the adoption of increasingly more comprehensive laws giving the federal government […]